CommVault: Windows 2003 not backed up without any notice / warning

If you are running Simpana 9.0 SP2a and you backup Windows 2003 servers they are no longer backed up after you have installed SP2a. There is no notice or warning at all. You will not get an email if the job has failed to backup your data. Hopefully you have no data loss before you came aware of this bug...


  • Windows 2003 machines are not backed up. Windows 2008 or Windows R2 is not affected.
  • Alert system does not notify you about the data backup failure.
  • It does not matter if you use VSS or not.
  • It does not matter if you have selected some files or all files for backup.
  • Only the Commvault Jobs folder and SystemState is backed up.


  • Rollback to SP2 (without A).
    • Execute C:\Programme\CommVault\Simpana\Base\RemoveUpdates.exe
      • Select a Rollback date before you installed SP2a
      • Select Remove Binary Updates
  • Install SP2b and critical hotfix WinX64_9.0.0B84_ScanNotPickingFilesNonEngWinOS(36229).exe listed on the download page.


  • 07/01/2011: Simpana 9.0 SP2b with hotfixes solves the bug.
  • 06/07/2011: Downgraded to Simpana 9.0 SP2
  • 06/08/2011: One other customers is also affected, only known workaround is a downgrade of the Agent software on Windows 2003 machines. Issue is currently under investigation.
  • 06/08/2011: Support case opened, 2 weeks without any backup.
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