HP OpenView Data Protector

This issue describes symptoms that occur for ages with HP Data Protector and that may become a critical issue for your if you don't see them. There will be no notification from DP at all if this happens. The main cause of these bugs seems to be very unreliable internally error handling process in Data Protector. I personally see this for many years now and nothing get's really better over time in these product if you don't stress your bugs.


  • Job is running and cannot killed. You can try to kill it 1000 times and you can wait days for the kill, but it never get's killed.
  • Planned backup jobs with same job name are not running any longer as DP is waiting for the hanging job to finish.
  • Restarting all Data Protector services will not kill a job.

How to identify:

If you are one of the HP DataProtector 6.11 customers and you have scheduled MsSQL transaction log and full backup to start simultaneously you will experience the below issue. We found this after an upgrade to latest 6.11 in November 2010 and a hotfix was build for us on 19. November 2010. We are running with this patch for 8 weeks successfully.

Cell Manager patch level:

Patch levelPatch description
DPWIN_00455Core Component
DPWIN_00456Cell Manager Component
DPWIN_00478Disk Agent
DPWIN_00460Media Agent
DPWIN_00457User Interface

Client SQL Server patch level: